The government of Tamil Nadu is planning to build the TN Tech City Project in North Chennai’s Madhavaram. The project aims to rope in both global and domestic investments in sectors like information technology (IT), global capability centres (GCC), IT-enabled services (ITeS), Fintech, and Deeptech.
A parcel of land spanning 150 acres has been identified for the project. It will comprise premium office spaces in addition to social infrastructure and residential spaces. The project also plans to include a data centre, centres of excellence, innovation hubs, and a convention centre. The Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) will implement the project.
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In a conversation with media channels, Managing Director of TIDCO, Sandeep Nanduri said, “A preliminary study has already been done by the Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (ELCOT). We are now going ahead with a detailed feasibility study, and we will be roping in a consultant for this.”
Industries Minister TRB Rajaa informed that the initiative has been crafted to leverage the ongoing AI boom and place Tamil Nadu at the forefront. He further stated that Tamil Nadu will be able to fully embrace technology’s next era because of the project, creating an ecosystem that brings in a flow of investments in the state’s tech industry.