ZVC India announced the opening of a second technology centre in Chennai reaffirming its commitment to the country. The Chennai technology centre will complement Zoom’s existing technology centre in Bangalore, as well as the two data centres in Mumbai and Hyderabad, as part of the company’s expansion plans in India. Through 2022, the company also intends to ramp up hiring in India, leveraging the country’s exceptional talent pool to continue on its development and innovation trajectory.
The new Chennai technology hub, like the one in Bangalore that opened in 2020, will be an important source of innovation for Zoom. As businesses around the world migrate toward a hybrid format, the technology centre will focus on research and development of new products such as Zoom Contact Center and cutting-edge technologies to construct a communications platform that will mirror real-life immersive experiences for users. Zoom’s global engineering teams will be in charge of the Chennai plant, which will be situated in San Jose, California.
“We recognise and value the importance of India as a crucial part of Zoom’s growth strategy. With the addition of the Chennai technology centre, we strive to compete at the forefront of technological leadership and help raise the bar in the new era of collaboration,” said Velchamy Sankarlingam, President of Product and Engineering at Zoom. “As Zoom strengthens its ecosystem for future innovations, our expanded presence in India will play an important role in helping accelerate the translation of ideas and concepts into path-breaking solutions for worldwide impact. We welcome talents in India to be part of our growing DevOps, IT, Security, and Business Operations teams as we scale our operations.”